Monday, April 30, 2007
"You have one week left to live..."
I finally accepted the offer of one of the law firms within my area last Friday. We finalized the terms of my employment and I start work as a Junior Associate on May 7, Monday. For a starting lawyer, the pay is actually quite good; and it seems like the legal training I shall receive from the firm would be excellent. The partners of the firm all seemed pleasant and reasonable. In addition, they had this certain "lawyerly" aura within them - they looked confident but not arrogant. And they had presence - I felt they were the type whom everyone would listen to when they spoke. I, of course, would want to acquire this unique aura from them.
I'm very much excited because after 25 years of existence, I would finally be able to work and earn my own keep. At the same time, I am extremely nervous and scared at the thought of it. I've never really done much legal work in the past that I can't gauge if I'll be good at it or not. What if being a lawyer isn't natural for me? What if I don't meet the expectations of my bosses? Simply put, what if I suck at work and be put to shame?
One thing's for sure: I'd definitely give it my best. I just hope it would be enough. As of now, I'm just thinking of all the personal matters that I need to attend to before I get really busy with work. And I have one week left to do all of these. I have one week left to live.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
My Daily Reflection
It's Not About Me
Whenever I pray, I ask for what I need (like a good job).
Sometimes, I ask for what I want (like a new cell phone).
And God gives it.
When He doesn't answer my prayer the way I expected (like when my friend isn't healed), I persevere in praying until my faith flickers.
I even blame Him for every bad thing that happens (like a traffic jam!).
After the fierce storm, God's wisdom comes.
I realize I cannot twist God's arm to give me what I expected.
He knows what is best for me.
What I must do is to be constant in praying so I will understand His ways.
Then, I can freely accept His will in my life through good and bad times.
It's not about me.
It's about Him.
-RosAnn J.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Organize my life, quote unquote
But there are times when I realize that I've just put too many things aside. All those pending tasks, important decisions, family and house matters, etc. seem to have just piled up in an instant. That's the time when I acknowledge my limits. I sit down, grab a pen and a piece of paper, think of all the things that need to be done and "organize my life."
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Can you predict a personality through a person's birthdate?
Your Birthdate: June 24 |
You understand people well and are a natural born therapist. A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around. You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you. You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people. Your strength: Your devotion Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness Your power color: Lilac Your power symbol: Heart Your power month: June |
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Updates, updates
Don’t you just have up days and down days? And they’re not up or down because of something that happened during the day or something that’s about to happen. At times, you feel up or down just because. During an up day, you feel like nothing’s gonna stop you from having such a good day. You just can't wipe that smile off your face and you glide instead of walk, and everyone just notices you. During a down day, you just feel heavy and discontent. You’d rather keep to yourself and you start pondering about life and love and anything that currently sucks about your existence. So you don’t need a reason to feel up or down at a particular day. And when someone’s having a down day, don’t ask why; there may be no reason. Just lend a shoulder and some Kleenex, if needed.
A few days ago, I was so happy to see once again my group of friends from law school. Being the forced recluse that I am, I was so happy to be out of the house and to just be with the company of my closest friends. It was for business actually; we needed to go to the Supreme Court – Office of the Bar Confidante to fix our papers before we have our oath taking. What a great disappointment it was when I found out I still couldn’t attend to my papers and it was all because of their Office’s fault! I submitted all the requirements needed but apparently, they forgot to process one of them. It manifested in their records that I lacked my law transcript of grades but when they checked my folder, it was just there! Now I still need to wait until next week for me to be able to fix my papers. It was a good thing that I was just really happy to see my friends that I didn’t blow my top (at least not that much) at the Office. After all, I think that for as long as I’ll be a lawyer, I’ll still deal with them. At least now they know they owe me one. A big one.
After going to the Supreme Court, I went around
Here’s to hoping for up days for everyone just because!
Monday, April 09, 2007
I never promised you a ray of light,
I never promised there'd be sunshine everyday,
I'll give you everything I have, the good, the bad.
Why do you put me on a pedestal,
I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below,
So help me down you've got it wrong, I don't belong there.
One thing is clear,
I wear a halo,
I wear a halo when you look at me,
But standing from here, you wouldn't say so
You wouldn't say so, if you were me
And I, I just wanna love you,
Oh oh I, I just wanna love you
I always said that I would make mistakes,
I'm only human, and that's my saving grace,
I fall as hard as I try
So don't be blinded
See me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin,
so pull me from that pedestal,
I don't belong there.
Why you think that you know me
But In your eyes
I am something above you
It's only in your mind
Only in your mind
I wear a Halo
-Haley James Scott
I wish you never put me on a pedestal
Now, not only do I want to walk down from it,
I want to walk out from you.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The long wait is over!
I woke up early this morning and I still can't believe it... Everything that happened last night wasn't a dream. It was all real. The hundreds of congratulatory text messages (including that first one which confirmed the news); the endless phone calls from abroad, from Isabela and from Batangas; all the mobile phone calls made and received from colleagues and special old friends; and the warm, tight hugs from my family.
I think that this is, by far, my greatest achievement to date. My friends actually keep on telling me how proud they are of me: For hurdling the bar despite all my health issues. How I lost so much time for studying because of the hours I spent each week for dialysis. How I kept myself strong and positive and focused despite all the possible distractions brought about my kidney disease. My normal reaction was to brush aside all these compliments and I’d remark that we all had our different issues to deal with.
But looking back, tears start to well up my eyes (which does not happen very often). I remember all the hardships I went through. I even thought of not taking the bar yet to attend to my health. I remember dreading the days I had to go to the hospital for dialysis not only because of the pain but more so because of the fact that I’d lose so much study time. I remember my strict no-salt diet which really sucked big time. I’d have moments when I really wanted to give up but just didn’t show it because it was not expected of me. I am but human, after all.
I didn't make it...
I'm ecstatic right now. I actually passed the bar! I'm in a whirlwind of emotions. I can't sleep yet coz the adrenaline just keeps on rushing all through out my body. But at the same time, my mind's not exactly thinking clearly right now.
I think I'll leave this post like this first and I'll just write another one when I'm in a sounder state of mind. But for now, I just wanted to share the news - I MADE IT!