I had the chance to watch Avenue Q last Saturday and while I may not be the best critic of theater plays, I must say that it is definitely the best play I have ever watched in my lifetime. Everything was just picture perfect – from the acting to the singing and the handling of the puppets; from the script itself to the songs and their lyrics and background music; from the props and the simple backdrop down to the each and every technical aspect of the play. It was definitely superb and I got every penny’s worth I spent on the ticket.
I have already heard all the songs of Avenue Q even before I watched the play. Just listening to the songs is entertaining in itself. You also get to know a bit about the characters already and you get a clue as to the entire story of the play. However, when I watched the play, it was different seeing the actors portray their roles so convincingly. I got to see the entire picture and though I already knew some of the punchlines based on the songs, I still laughed my heart out whenever they were delivered because it’s different when the actors or the puppets bring them to life.
All of the actors had outstanding performances. I couldn’t really pinpoint who excelled the most during the play, but I am all praises for Rachel Alejandro, Felix Rivera and Joel Trinidad for their excellent and versatile performances. I couldn’t imagine portraying two or more roles/puppets (sometimes even with contrasting personalities as in the case of Rachel A.) and getting into character right away. There were even times when both of their characters were on stage and conversing. Kudos also goes to Frenchie Dy who, though a newcomer to the theater, played her role convincingly and was indeed, funny all throughout the play.
It’s sad that the showing of the play will end this weekend. Right after watching the play, I immediately texted some friends of mine and prodded them to watch Avenue Q, but apparently, the Avenue Q fever has already spread because tickets are already sold out for this last weekend! I’m pretty sure there’ll be public clamor to have a restaging of this play!
AVENUE Q is the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to
The music in Avenue Q finds a happy medium between childishly fun and adult up beat, on the jazzy side. The numbers aren’t huge productions, but they’re all catchy, honest and heartfelt without any sweaty “take-your-breath-away” dancing. That’s not to say these songs won’t get you excited, because they absolutely will – but with their humor! How could you not laugh at a song called “It Sucks to be Me” or “If You Were Gay”? What these songs do is take real-life concepts and observances, and relates them in a comic way – without ever becoming condescending and while remaining simplistic. And, as all good comedy contains enough reality to make it ring true, it’s no surprise that you’ll find yourself laughing out loud at almost every twist and turn of the story.
(Taken from http://www.ticketworld.com.ph/events/default.asp?event_name=Avenue%20Q)