Thursday, September 28, 2006

So tell me...

...When does all the hardship end? You’d think that after the end of a season comes new hope and new light but what it brings is only another set of issues to deal with and problems to face.
So tell me...When will man ever get contented?
When is the end REALLY the end?


Society is a masquerade ball where everybody hides his real character… and reveals it by hiding.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thoughts about Post Bar

And now it all comes down to this. The final Sunday of the Bar. The last hurdle.

While I feel ecstatic about all the free time in the world and how I wouldn't be burdened with endless studying any longer, I can't help but feel a bit melancholic, perhaps even cheesy. I guess I've gotten so used to my routine already that I don't know how to face the "real world" anymore. And besides, I long for regularity. I long for comfort zones. I long for friends and familiar faces that I've really gotten used to these past four and a half years in law school.

Who knows what life will be after the bar? I guess we'll never know for sure. Will I still see all my friends? Will I be accepted openly in my new journey that lies ahead?

It's so hard to accept that the four and a half years just went by so quickly. A new phase awaits. But for now, I'll just try to focus on the present. Gotta hit on those books for my LAST (i hope!) FREAKING BAR EXAMS I will take this Sunday.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Unmistakable You

You, whom I have not seen nor touched but have heard and have spoken to.
You, whom I have not known for long but can calm like a best friend.
You, whom I'd like to know better but I'd prefer you not know me entirely.
You, whom I have not lied to but have withheld from.
You, whom I can't let go but must let wait.
You, whom I wasn't looking for (not now) but came into my life unexpectedly.
Yes, YOU, the unmistakable you.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Today was definitely not a good day.

Everyone's spirits were just down. The morale was at an all-time low. It seems such an impossible task to finish studying the entire Civil Code and the Tax Code in time for this Sunday's exams. And I just want to get this Bar season over and done with...

I can't seem to concentrate that well while I'm studying because all the fear and panic just suddenly creep in. Add to that all the stress and the pagod and puyat. And lest we forget, all my damn health issues...

It's just been a really tough day. The night is young. It may get better. Maybe get to finish my reading goals for the day (haha, i wish!)

On a side note, please wait for these Posts once I get to finish all my exams. I've been dying to post em but they just need a bit more editing: I'm such a George Part 2 and The Blessing Called Sickness Parts 2 and 3. I can't wait! hehe. At last, something to look forward to...