Friday, September 08, 2006

The Unmistakable You

You, whom I have not seen nor touched but have heard and have spoken to.
You, whom I have not known for long but can calm like a best friend.
You, whom I'd like to know better but I'd prefer you not know me entirely.
You, whom I have not lied to but have withheld from.
You, whom I can't let go but must let wait.
You, whom I wasn't looking for (not now) but came into my life unexpectedly.
Yes, YOU, the unmistakable you.


Anonymous said...

blogger!!! wheeeeee!!!

uhm, sino itoow? hehehe

i love your george post. yeah, fight club rocks!!!

kidneys gone bad said...

hehe, just for everyone's info, this post isn't about love. :) it's philosophical blah.