Friday, May 18, 2007

Bottom Rung

It's hard to be the bottom rung of the ladder.

The end of the food chain.

The youngest and the most inexperienced in a professional group.

While I feel that I have gained the trust and confidence of most of the partners and my fellow associates whom I have dealt with, there's this one particular partner (who happens to be the big boss in the particular fields I am interested in) whom I feel uncomfortable working with mainly because I know he still doesn't trust me with the work I do. I'm not against all his criticisms of my work; in fact, I'm a very open-minded person. However, it's the way he makes it known to me and to others that I still don't know what exactly I am doing.

As the youngest associate in the firm, his presumption is that I will always lack something in my pleadings. I will always have grammatical errors. And there will always be a better way to put into words whatever I have written. The presumption is just always against me!

The other associates say that it's just his style of training new associates. And that I mustn't lose confidence in myself. And when he sees consistently excellent work, he does give a pat on the back and some uplifting words. And then he'll learn to trust.

I vow to work my ass off in every task he gives me and show him what I'm really made of.

I'm not just a bottom rung. I'm the bottom rung of the ladder.


Anonymous said...

jayps, we're not just the bottom of the rung, we're the mat underneath the ladder, the dirt on the ground, the worms under the grass. haha!

but i sympathize with your predicament because here, there are 7 (now 8) of us who are new. bloopers committed by any of the 7 (now 8) of us are common-place, if not expected. we just agonize and bitch over them, then laugh over them, and finally share it with the others so the blooper will not be repeated again.

you, on the other hand, are the little fish in a big pond. and you're the sole little fish.


parang nemo.

ang swak nung punch line ko no? hehehe.

kidneys gone bad said...

hahaha! i'd gladly be nemo anytime. but the thing is nemo-like bloopers aren't as cute here in the office. :)

but at least so far, i'm still having a blast. i still try to do my best and i just laugh it off every time i make a mistake.