Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Larger than I...

call me weak,
call me foolish.
but i
am simply not ready
for things
larger than i...


Anonymous said...

i am not even ready for things equal to my size and for things i have taken on before... sometimes i just want to be. TO JUST BE.

Anonymous said...

and what exactly is larger than you??? hehehe.

kidneys gone bad said...

daydreambeliever, we go through huge endeavors we can't escape. We give it our all and sometimes just leave it up to God or fate. That's all we can do. You're right, all we can do is be ourselves and do our goddamn best.

rosie, you're being weird again... as weird as shouting M's name in fully booked (which, mind you, has four floors) when you could call her on her mobile phone instead :) hehe