Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yesterday's low

Last night while I was still in the office, I suddenly felt my whole body ache. Thus, I decided to go home and rest early. Yesterday's low was waking up at midnight feeling the scorching heat of my body and finding out that I had high fever. For me, it's one of the worst feelings ever, especially in my case, being a transplant patient.

The fever eventually subsided towards the morning and though I still felt a bit weak, I attended an important meeting in the office. One of the partners in the office who is a cancer survivor told me I was crazy for still attending the meeting. I should have just stayed at home to rest. I told him that it was something I couldn't leave behind since there were deadlines to be met. He replied that, "When it comes to your health, nothing is ever indispensable."

The meeting finished early and I headed straight home after to rest. I'm now at home just lying down in bed trying to regain my strength. I still have a slight fever and if I still don't feel well tomorrow, I think I'll just stay home again to rest. No, I SHOULD stay home to rest.


Anonymous said...


your health comes first, before work, all the time, jayps, don't ever forget!

i hope you're feeling better. hugs hugs.

kidneys gone bad said...

i DID stay at home! i promise! hehe. And thanks, I feel much better now. :)

mon said...

ey jayps, good to hear youre feeling better!
takecare, you cant always be thinner than me!