Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Year's Resolutions Part I (Better Late Than Never)

I’m not really fond of New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, I don’t remember ever making list and I certainly don’t remember keeping any of them, if they ever do exist. But this is a year of plenty of changes for me, thus, I told myself I’d want to record these resolutions slash goals of mine and maybe evaluate at the end of this year if I’ve kept them or not. So here goes:

1.) (For the first time ever,) Enroll in a Gym. – Check! I actually did this during the last day of 2007. Perhaps my goal should be that I actually find time to go there to exercise. Before I was diagnosed with renal failure, I was very active in sports. Now that I’m better after my kidney transplant, my doctor has given the go signal to engage in sports, but due to lack of time to take up a sport, I have decided to enroll in a gym instead. So now, I’m on my way to Fitness (at Gold’s)!

2.) Work More. Cram Less. – Now this is an area which definitely needs improvement. I’ve been a crammer all my life and I must say that I’ve proven to myself that I’m good at it. But work now is much more serious than before. I get lazy and a client can lose billions or may go to jail. I just need enough fortitude to overcome the lazy bones in my body. Lord, give me strength! Hehe.

3.) Blog/Write More Often. – A perfect day for me would be to relax in a quiet and peaceful place where I can write about anything and everything. But, as usual, I don’t have the luxury of time to just laze around all day under the mango tree and type away on my laptop. This year, I’d want to try to blog/write more often. Perhaps give more time for it. Boy, what I give or do if only I could record all my thoughts while they are still in my head and I could just print them out and viola - an instant blog entry!

4.) Hear Daily Mass More Often. – I really miss the convenience of hearing daily mass when I was still in law school. More than missing the convenience, I miss the sense of completeness of the day whenever I go to mass. I didn’t really attend daily – only when my schedule permits. But I always felt safe during mass. I felt I can bare all without being judged. I felt I renewed, rejuvenated even. And now with my hectic schedule, I feel I need to attend daily mass more often. When my strength fails me already, I feel the need to turn to Someone stronger than I am.

5.) Manage My Finances. – This whole I’m-earning-my-keep-already is still somewhat new to me. The previous year, I’m proud to say that I was able to save a good amount of money; however, I didn’t really manage my finances properly. This year, I’d like to make my monthly budget and actually follow it. Oh, and entering into short-term and long-term investments would be nice as well.

6.) Read More. – I recently just got into this whole reading thing (which is weird coz I had to read a lot in law school which I never really liked doing. Until now, at least). From Murakami to Gaiman; Paolini to Coelho; and all those other authors whom I didn’t know existed before, I’d definitely want to explore more literature.

(to be continued)

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