Lo and behold. The wondrous Ruins of St. Paul. Definitely a sight to see! A historical landmark of

There’s a flight of stairs at the back of the Ruins which brings you up to the level of the windows of the Church. The stairs and the surface on top, I think, are made of steel, but the important thing to note is that the surface ain’t concrete! Thus, you can see what’s directly beneath you and this definitely is scary for people like me who can’t handle heights very well! Good thing I managed to go up for a second, long enough to take a snapshot of the view from the top. This picture (see above) is the scenery from one of the windows of the St. Paul Church.

And this, my friends, is the sign on your way up the stairs I mentioned earlier. “Trespassers will be prosecuted.” – Haha! Well, not if you die first, right?
Macau is definitely the Las Vegas of Asia with all its bright lights and colorful signs. I honestly believe that this city never sleeps – early in the morning at around 3 or 4, there are still many people not only in the casinos but also along the streets. Furthermore, Macau is the place to be if you are into all kinds of vices. You can do all sorts of vices in just one night – gambling, alcohol, drugs, sex, cigarettes and what-have-you! (Guess which ones I did? Hehehe!) (On a side note, I suddenly appreciated the law here in the Philippines disallowing smokers to smoke inside public places. There, people can smoke just about anywhere – even in the tiniest enclosed and airconditioned restaurant.)

The Casino at the Wynn Hotel was where I won lots of moolah!
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