Thursday, August 02, 2007


For the life of me, I would never ever forget this baptism of fire of mine…

…where there’s no such thing as free journalism, even news articles have a price.

…where there’s always office politics no matter where you go.

…where judges don’t care if it’s obvious that they’re impartial, as long as they get their end of the deal.

…where being the lone associate in a team (the rest being partners) is both a reward and a curse.

…where you get a lot of first times for everything.

…where you finally get to show off your suits and eat at fancy restos.

…where learning is an ongoing process and you actually begin to love it.

…where you finally get the chance to prove your worth to the firm and succeed.


Anonymous said...

the truth shall prevail.

kidneys gone bad said...

i know!!! but i wish it would prevail soon!

Anonymous said...

patience, my child. hahaha.