Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Anonymous Lawyer

“I went to law school to make Dad proud of me. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. Senior year of college I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t know what was next, and the thought of going out in the world and finding a job – of being an adult – was too frightening to seriously Going to law school seemed easy. Dad pulled some strings and helped get me into Michigan. It made him happy, and it gave me three more years to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. He was more than willing to write the checks, so I was more than willing to spend three more years being a student. I knew how to be a student.

Being a student is easy. I have no sympathy for the ones who complain about law school. I’d give anything to be back in school. I didn’t appreciate it at that time. I slept my way through it, doing enough work to get by but not much beyond that. It didn’t feel like it mattered. I wasn’t really going to be a lawyer. Who cared about the rules of evidence or the Uniform Commercial Code?”

"Anonymous Lawyer" by Jeremy Blachman

Taken from an extremely unique, amazing and entertaining book, "Anonymous Lawyer," I can truly relate to the circumstances he went through (except for the "Dad" part). In the book which consisted mainly of his blog entries (anonymouslawyer.blogspot.com) and his exchange of e-mails with his readers and his Anonymous Niece, Anonymous Lawyer eventually finds the passion to work in a law firm and ends up becoming the hiring partner. Now if only I can find the same passion to drive me into doing work that I really love...

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