Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Exit Plan

Who would have thought it'd be so hard to draw up an exit plan?

Maybe it's because I've never really had the need to "exit" before. I never really quit. I may not have excelled but I'm definitely no quitter.

And it's completely consistent with me being a drifter - I just run along where the wind takes me, I go with the flow. I don't quit - things just happen and I let them.

But this time, it's different. I have reached a point where I just need to draw up an exit plan.

Maybe it's a sign of maturity. A sign that I am now making my own decisions and not just waiting for things to happen in my life. Or maybe it's as simple as me turning out to be a quitter after all, which, as of now, I don't really mind.

Whatever the case may be, I need to draw up an exit plan. Now.

1 comment:

heart-on-sleeve said...

now you have an exit plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
