Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Life is Good: Happy Anniversary, Kidney 3!

Time really passes by so quickly. Last October 23, 2007 was the first anniversary of my kidney transplant operation! I can’t believe it’s been a year already. And to think that after my operation, I was scared of the possibility that my recuperation period might take up to a year. But here I am, a practicing lawyer living a fast-paced lifestyle with no hints of a previous major operation, save for a scar below my stomach just above my right thigh.

I haven’t been too complacent though. I’m regularly taking my medicines – I need them to survive. I’m more careful now with my diet and I no longer have any vices. I’m thankful to the Lord for this “new life” I have been given. My lab results have been stable at normal levels for some months now. The other procedures (chest x-ray, ECG, ultrasound, etc.) are A-OK as well. I’m praying that this continues for the rest of my life!

Happy Anniversary, Kidney 3! I’m glad you came into my life (and my body)!


Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!!!!!!!

has it been a year already? how time flies!

imagine jayps, one part of your body is just 1 year old while the rest of your body is 65! wait, you're 65 right? hehehe.

kidneys gone bad said...

yeah, time flies so fast. and if i'm 65, you're 66 and M is like... hmm... HAHAHA!!!

m said...

blaaaah! buti nalang pala i check your blogs! hahaha.
...and life is indeed very good :)

kidneys gone bad said...

hahaha! M, i didn't mean to emphasize your (old) age. hehehe. It's just that when someone tells me I'm already old, you're the easiest target. =P Pang-divert ng attention kung baga.

Anonymous said...
