Friday, July 28, 2006

Just because...

So sue me if i just copied this from rose's blog (who just copied it from pao's)... =)

1. Last person who wrote you a testimonial?
I don't really get to check my friendster anymore...

2. Last movie you watched?
Nacho Libre! Wild! It's soooo funny! But dapat mababaw kaligayahan mo.

3. What do people first notice when they see you?
That i'm tall, dark and handsome... If not those qualities, i'm sure they'll remember my laugh.

4. Do you like peanut-butter?
Not really.

5. Most memorable place?
MTM =)

6. Do you read comics?
Who doesn't?

7. What's your favourite restaurant?
Anywhere that has good pasta and Japanese food (I swear, I'm eating my heart out when i'm off this no-salt diet!)

8. Do you have enemies?
Yes, but even they are my friends too!

9. You like to go out grocery shopping?
Not really...

10. Can you dance?
Yup, definitely! I even beat my friend, Mon, once in a dance showdown.

11. Do you believe in God?
Yes, He who has given my life.

12. First thing to do when you wake up tomorrow?
Sleep some more!

13. Where are you right now?
In an internet cafe near my apartment.

14. Your name spelled backwards

15. Where were you born?
Medical Center, Manila

16. What is the last thing you downloaded?
Hmm, I don't really like downloading that much.

18. Are you registered to vote?
Of course!

19. Do you have a car?
One that I regularly use? Yup, his name is Tuscany.

20. Do you like rollercoasters?
Love them!

21. Chattin with...?
No one as of the moment.

22. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Uhm... I'm actually acrophobic... I'm scared of heights.

23. Are you shy?
Yes, when I'm asleep.

24. Do you think you're popular?
Eew, how high school!

25. Chips or popcorn?
(Assuming that I'm no longer in my no-salt diet) Popcorn!

26. Are you a good cook?
In my dreams.

27. Best thing in the world?
Those that are free. hehe

28. Have you ever broken a bone?
I'm not exactly good with biology, but having your finger bones diclocated doesn't get them broken right? Well, in that case, nope.

29. Have you ever won a trophy?

30. What is your favorite board game?
I loooove board games! Scene It's the best for me.

31. Do you bake cakes?
Not... I know how to make polvoron though. Does that count?

32. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?
Oh my, you wouldn't want to know ALL my medicines for my health issues!

33. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really...

34. What's your favorite song right now?
Hehe, MTM!

35. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
around 6?

36. Last song stuck in your head?
Angels Brought Me Here by Carrie Underwood. It was the last song I heard from my Ipod while I was studying earlier.

37. Any pets?
Yup! 1 dog, Choi. And 2 adorable puppies, Sammie and Cookie.

38. Worst Local TV show as of the moment?
Majika. Sorry to all its fans. I'm a ka-pamilya.

39. Color of most clothes you own?
Grey. (My favorite color!) Next would be blue.

40. Whose picture(s) do you carry in your wallet?
My family. And my creative grad pics from college and law school.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Blessing Called Sickness Part 2

My doctor, who was kind and understanding enough of my situation, gave me two options. First, I could undergo my kidney transplant as soon as possible, forego first the bar this year and recuperate just in time to take the bar the following year. And second, I could exert extra effort and pursue the bar examinations this year but in the meantime, I will be under close monitor of my health and I would undergo dialysis treatment should the need arise.

I prayed real hard about my options. I consulted my family and friends. As expected, I got conflicting opinions from them. On one side, some maintained the cliché of “Health is wealth” argument coupled with the fact that the bar examinations will always be there for me. On the other side, some encouraged me to try my best to take the exam this year while all my legal knowledge was still fresh on my mind.

I was really confused. And deeply troubled. Part of my depression was not knowing what to do. I knew it would all end up with me making a decision for myself. To make matters worse, my parents as of that time, were abroad so I couldn’t exactly make a decision until I finally had the chance to consult with them.

My parents got back from abroad just in time for my graduation from law school. Thus, when they arrived, there wasn’t much time for serious talking. I guess they wanted me to celebrate first before confronting the situation. But as soon as the festivities ended, we were back to reality. I found myself consulting the doctor again, this time accompanied by my mom.

After my visit to the doctor, my mom and I talked over lunch. But it wasn’t the conversation I expected. No serious remarks, no witty advices, no nothing – just pure simple love and affection which I needed the most. My mom just asked me what I really wanted and things just sort of fell into place. I was ready to face the bar.

I remember my mom asking me if I was depressed about the whole situation. I wanted to say “Duh” but the managed to say “No” instead. Looking back, I guess I did say the correct answer. I still have my days of questioning the reason for all of this. But then I realized all the blessings of sickness: the love and support of my family and friends, the power of prayer, a healthier relationship with God and a whole new outlook in life.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Read Me When You're Having a Bad Day

"Beautiful lives don't just happen. They are made, every single day, with much love, prayer and sacrifice. The many tasks we face each day can burden and oppress; but spending time with God each day can bring relief from stress. Let us be reminded that in the end, only three things matter: how fully you lived, how deeply you loved, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm such a George

I was a nobody in high school. As a kid, I was neither in or out. I was just there.
Now, I am not just anybody but at least I AM somebody.

I may not be the best but I know I'm good enough. And at least I'm happy.

I can step up my game if I have to. I may not be able to do open heart surgery in a stuck elevator but I can help you sue if you ever get stuck in one.

I'm easy-going and i'm the least competitive among all the competitive people in the world.

I'm good natured. I can be so naive. But I hurt easily too. I just don't know how to show it.

Neither is it easy for me to show my true feelings for people. Deep down, I'm really shy.

I may not be the person to do the "guy chores" at home. I'm not one to kill a turkey with my dad and two brothers. But it's just because i don't want to. I can honestly change a flat tire or fix the television if i have to.

I've got my Meredith, Izzie and Cristina in law school. And we have our own fight club.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Blessing Called Sickness (Part 1)

Despite my knowledge of my serious kidney disease for the past five years, it still came in as a shock for me when my doctor informed me that I needed my kidney transplant soon. It was as if the world just suddenly froze for a minute and I thought to myself that this wasn’t happening. Not to me. Not now. At least not yet…

It was last April on a hot summer afternoon. I was with my older sister who was a doctor. And the sad part was, I was fresh out of law school. After four grueling years, I thought I was free from all my problems and issues in life. I would finally have all the time for myself even just for a while. And then the news came in.

Perhaps during the five years I knew of my sickness, I was in the state of denial. I went on with my life. I went to law school, I played sports here and there, I continued with all the late nights of beer and fun. Or perhaps I was just putting it off to another time. Something like crossing the bridge when I get there. If there was no pain, there was no sickness. And there was indeed no pain.

At any rate, I was shocked. Stunned. Scared out of my wits. But more than anything else, I was saddened and depressed. I was to take the bar in a few months’ time and I didn’t need any bad news.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I wonder what got me started...

Shit, I don't know how and where to begin.

I've always been into writing for as long as I can remember. Rather, I've always been into that "wanting-to-write" stage. I'd come up with different nice topics to write about and great ways to start them but I always just leave them hanging.

I recently got to talk to a good friend who's into this kind of thing. I scribbled down the address of his blog and I realized that I've done this a couple of times before with some other friends. I just haven't had the time to actually read my friends' blogs.

I just read some blogs over the week and I felt inspired. =)

So, as you can see, I have been influenced by my friends. I don't exactly know if this is the best time to start my blog. I'm reviewing for the bar exams this September and I think I should be concentrating on my studies.

But I guess I would also need this blog time so I can relax and unwind a bit and just pour out my thoughts. It's "me" time, as my friends call it.

I hope this is a start of an eventful journey.